Thursday, June 14, 2012

Year In Review

Today's my birthday, and I'm officially 22 years old. I've been thinking tonight, and realized I'm not actually sure what I've done for the past year. I'm not really sure I've actually accomplished much. Maybe I have, though. I mean, I could probably list at least a few things that I did which weren't a complete waste of time and were a good experience for me:

  • Ran a half marathon. This was a pretty big one. I actually had to train for several months to get to the point where running a long distance like this one wasn't too difficult. I'm just glad I finished it. 
  • Had my first kiss. It took 21 years, but it did come.
  • Finally got another job.
  • Moved out of Centennial Apartments and into Glenwood. It was a really tough decision for me to initiate change and move into a new place, but I feel like it's also helped me to grow and realize I can make new friends and adapt. I've even joined a dinner group over here and made a few friends. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm glad to have a new experience.
  • Drove a boat for the first time. It was down in Monterey Bay, California. Quite the interesting experience, too. haha the boat broke down for a bit in the middle of the ocean and we started sinking, while I was feeling really seasick most of the time. We did make it out safely, and I was able to drive the boat for a while and feel like a captain. So, maybe it wasn't too bad. 
  • Got to be one of the groomsmen at my roommate's wedding. That was a really good experience and I'm really happy for them.
  • Got to help film and be in two different short films, one of which won Best Picture at the Ward Oscar Night. It was basically just a good time our church ward had to make movies and show them to each other. That was a lot of fun. The first was called Brother Husbands, pretty much just a parody of the show Sister Wives, and the other one that won was called Sardines, about a group of kids playing Sardines in a building and slowly being caught by a guy in a mask. That was a lot of fun.
  • Had my own personal trainer for a couple months and actually got a bit stronger. My friend offered it to me for free since she was trying to improve her training abilities, and those were the toughest workouts I've probably ever had. haha
  • Stayed up all night on more than one occasion, talking to a girl I really liked and who really liked me. Those were some of the best conversations I've had, and it was a really good experience.
  • Attempted the cinnamon challenge for the first time and completely failed within seconds. That was a really awful experience that made me hate cinnamon for a while, it'll be a while before I try again. haha
  • Drank Yerba Mate for the first time. It was actually really good. Thought I would hate it.  
  • Went to the world record largest game of dodgeball ever played. BYU and Utah put it on between the two schools, but people didn't really follow the rules and it was really chaotic. Still, kind of a fun time. 
  • Had dreams about Disneyland all the time. I don't know what inspired all those, but it's just been a dream I've periodically had is about me going there and having fun. Guess I need to go sometime soon. haha
  • Volunteered at the Utah State hospital and had a great experience working with the patients there.
  • Read through all the epistles in the New Testament and learned a lot from reading them.
There's been a lot more I've actually done, but I feel like these are some of the ones that stand out. I've really done a lot more this year than I had, though. Looking forward to the future and seeing what comes next. I'm glad to have had so many good experiences. Thanks to everybody who's been around this year. 

Now, let's see what I can do in the next year. 

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