Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dream Post

I think I have crazier dreams than most people I know (besides maybe one girl I met here at BYU who had some equally crazy dreams). It usually doesn't make much sense and is completely chaotic.

Last night, I had a dream I owned a bunch of young pets. I think some of them were puppies and others were little bunnies. I loved all the little guys and was trying to keep them alive. I don't know why I dreamed about puppies and bunnies, it doesn't make any sense to me.....

And, there's usually a lot of destruction. I've had countless dreams about running away from tornadoes. When I was on a cruise boat, I'd have dreams about the boat sinking. I have dreams about being on other boats and those boats sinking. In another, I dreamed one of my friends was stuck in a ventilation shaft and was floating down it like a river and I couldn't save her. I seem to recall a dream when I was little about King Kong being after me as Mary Poppins and I ran away to escape.

One of the weirder ones I've had included ruins in Mexico, Micky Mouse, characters from The Land Before Time, and I was trying to escape from these ruins where our plane had landed. It gets so weird sometimes.

I don't understand how I can have dreams about puppies and Disneyland (see my earlier post about that), and then have these crazy dreams about destruction and things going wrong. My mind must be pretty far out there. haha

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