Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Glenwood Hot Tub

Just got back from hot tubbing tonight.

It's always quite the experience going to the Glenwood hot tub. I feel like hot tubs here in Provo are the equivalent of bars, since nobody really drinks. Haha everybody goes there to talk and it's the one place where everybody is your friend. They're not drunk, but they're all so relaxed and happy most the time so it has a similar feeling.

The one here has a unique feel to it. And, when I say feel, I mean that literally. There's usually hairs, bugs, leaves, and all types of unsanitary things floating around that could probably make you sick. It makes me laugh to think we go relax by sitting in a pool of our own filth which is at just the right temperature for bacteria to grow. I know the chlorine is supposed to clean it all out, but I'm not sure I completely believe that. haha also, it kind of smelled a bit there tonight like somebody hadn't showered or was really sweaty. The more I think about it, the less I want to go in there. I'll just not think about it. That'll solve my problem.

I also went to see Snow White and the Huntsman tonight. It was kind of interesting, but really long and didn't completely make sense or tie everything up. My date did enjoy it, and it was a good time so I was happy. If I was a movie critique, though, I probably would not recommend it. But, I'm not. Feel free to go see it and think what you want, anyway. haha

One last thing before ending the post, today I paid over fifty dollars to fill up my car's gas tank. That's way too much money. I really hope gas prices go down soon, since it's getting a little ridiculous. I'm glad my car has good gas mileage, or it would be a lot worse.

Hope everybody has a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. what are gas prices in utah? 'cuz i hear they're nothing like they are here in seattle... i've been paying over $4/gal for the last month. and in the past couple weeks i've felt lucky to find a place where i can get it as "cheap" as $4.11 (it's common to see $4.20-something). lmao.
    i didn't know hot tubs were a big thing in provo... i guess it makes sense. funny. mormon bar...
