Saturday, June 30, 2012

Living Off Cereal and Sandwiches

I went grocery shopping tonight. Just about every time I've gone grocery shopping for about the past three years, I've bought the same exact things. Tonight wasn't much different. I wasn't sure what else to buy, so I just went ahead and bought cereal, milk, apple juice, and canned fruit. The canned fruit was a bit different, I don't usually even get that creative. Haha I'm just not very original at shopping I guess, and I've found what I like. For the past three years, the list has almost always included:

Apple Juice (or, sometimes, a different type of juice to mix it up a bit)
Macaroni and Cheese
Hamburger Helper
Lunch Meat
Sliced Cheese

Sometimes, like tonight I might buy something extra. Usually, though, if I think about getting something else, I'll sit there for about five minutes and wonder what else I really need. I'll usually be too indecisive to make a decision quickly, and grocery shopping takes way too long. So, I've just gone with just about the same things every time.

 The more I think about it, the more I realize how weird this is. I don't know how I'm still alive. haha I guess my parents help me with food once in a while, so that keeps me going sometimes. I really am just living off pretty much cereal and sandwiches.

Honestly, I don't think this changes much until I get married. I've somehow kept myself living, so I guess it works. 

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