Thursday, April 5, 2012

Memories of Centennial

Lately, I've been thinking a lot. One of those thoughts has been that I'll be leaving Centennial Apartments soon, and I'm kind of sad about it. I feel it's a needed change just to get somewhere new and have different experiences, but I've made so many memories here and had a great time getting to know the ward.

So, I'm making a list of some of my favorite memories here. I want to remember the good times I had, and this is one way I will make sure things don't get forgotten. If you have anything to add that I've forgotten, feel free to let me know. This is just what I remember:

  • First came back to BYU, and didn't know anybody, when Scott Richey (longtime resident of 105) befriended me as a roommate and made me feel like I had a friend. We had a lot of times where we were both just up talking and watching movies or TV shows since neither of us slept. It was a lot of fun in that apartment. He also helped me out a lot. One thing I can think of was on my birthday, when nobody showed up to go to Tucano's like I had planned and invited people to go to, he went around trying to find people and, when nobody still wanted to come, he drove with Joe and I down to Pizza Pie Cafe and paid for my birthday dinner. Scott's been an awesome friend. I'll sure miss that guy. 
  • Mattress Mondays: gathering up all the mattresses and moving them to the front room to watch a movie and fall asleep out there. This was something we did in Apartment 105 on Monday of Finals week. It was definitely an interesting tradition...
  • Terrible Movie Tuesdays: another apartment 105 tradition which was on the Tuesday of Finals week, where we simply rented a really dumb, cheesy movie and watched it. I remember one year we watched Old Dogs.... and that movie was really awful.
  • In The Name of The King Day: last of the 105/208 holidays, on the final Friday of January we'd invite lots of people over, get hoards of food and watch In The Name of the King, which might be one of the most unintentionally funny movies ever made. It's still celebrated by one of my old roommates, and we actually had the celebration again a few months ago. Good times...
  • Endless Boxes of Little Caesar's Pizza stacked up from the pizza joint just down the road
  • Smashing our Halloween pumpkins while listening to Smashing Pumpkins
  • Watching Matt Wakatsuki live on virtually no real food....... and somehow survive.
  • Drinking Yerba Mate with Derek Larsen and occasionally Derek Heiser when he came over
  • When Chelsea and Scott went through the fridge and threw away about ten packs of mini carrots that I had bought. I kept buying more and forgetting about them, and then buying more again and again.
  • Spring Semester with Scott Man and Gordo. It was just the three of us, and we had a lot of fun. The apartment was usually a big mess, though.
  • My birthday, when Scott, Gordo, and I all dressed up in jeans and blue-collar shirts, then went to the store to buy ice cream and sparkling cider. We made a toast to "life only getting better." A couple weeks later, we went to Tucano's along with Joe, and had a different toast: "to getting huge." Still working on that one. haha
  • Tiffany Jackman's dinner date banquet, where she homemade amazing food for all the guests. It was a girl-ask-guy thing, and I ended up being invited at the last minute, but I really enjoyed that.
  • Boring Summer nights when Dallin would come over, since his fiance wasn't there, and we'd end up playing video games (usually Modern Warfare), playing Scrabble, or doing something else completely random.
  • Playing the flashlight game at the ward campout, the same time Brandon Love fell into the bushes, though I guess that was probably dangerous
  • Bejeweled Blitz, Robot Unicorn Attack, and Tetris Battle
  • Going to Stan's Diner across the street the night before Thanksgiving, buying a chicken sandwich, then spending the entire night and most of the next day in bed feeling sick. Needless to say, I never have gone there again. haha
  • Walking over to King Henry's and hanging out/going on walks with a girl I really liked. I even made her a homemade Blackberry pie (except for the crust) at one point, and walked it over there, and also woke up early one day to deliver her french toast and a note as a surprise to begin the day. Those were some of my favorite times here.
  • Late Night Wendy's runs
  • Sitting at the pool tanning when I had nothing better to do
  • When Emily had an FHE where we watched football and ate Thanksgiving dinner. That made me happy, since I didn't eat much during the real holiday after being sick. 
  • Getting half of our apartment (including Tiffany Manwaring Doman) addicted to Facebook Scrabble and playing game after game against them while we all sat there in the front room
  • Making dinner for an apartment of girls and bringing it to them to eat. I made a comment that it was kind of awkward at their apartment and ended up on the quote wall..... haha
  • Cinnamon Challenge (see my earlier post about this). I had no clue what I was getting into there....
  • The Hot Tub, just going out there and sitting to talk to whoever was there at the time. It's almost never been empty. 
  • Becoming friends with Ty the cleaning check lady. Never thought I'd ever be friends with her when I first moved in, but she's actually nice when not checking your cleaning.
  • Apple Juice. While I've been here, I've almost always had a bottle of apple juice nearby I'd be sipping on throughout the day. Probably not very healthy. Maybe I should change that habit.....
  • Going on a date where I forgot my wallet. Didn't end too well.
  • Introducing one of my roommates to his future wife and watching them hit it off the best I've ever seen
  • Watching Rockies games on the TV while almost all my roommates have been completely bored by it
  • Having a quote wall in the apartment which was mostly dominate by random things I'd say. 
  • Watching through nearly the entire series of LOST for a second time with Brad and Rachel. 
  • Getting body-slammed by Cole Stahl while everybody sat there and laughed. I didn't enjoy it at the time, but it's funny to look back and laugh at it. Cole was awesome.
  • Failing cleaning checks and paying tons of money. Not one of my favorite memories.
  • Watching and talking about sports with Andrew Doman, and then later Eric Olsen
  • Guys' Weekend going to a hockey game one night, a movie the next and then staying up half the night playing Super Smash Bros.
  • Insomnia, and seeing each one of my roommates react differently when they realize I'm still up at 3 in the morning.
  • Spending several hours with a girl talking and cuddling under a blanket outside one night, under a tree because it was raining
  • The all-night basketball video game contest between Matt, Doman and I
  • Skyping with K.S. (decided to withhold her whole name, for privacy) and talking to her almost all the time for a little over a month. Some of the deepest conversations I've ever had were with her.
  • Going on long runs to train for a half marathon
  • Game nights on Sunday after Ward Prayer
  • Watching Batman cartoons and playing Modern Warfare with the guys
  • Long sessions playing rock band with the roommmates 
  • Filming Brother Husbands, the kind-of controversial movie we made that was actually really funny. I played the part of the pushover husband secreting plotting against everybody.
  • The Ward Capture the Flag Game, where our flag was captured once before the game started
  • Michael getting every song he ever played stuck in my head
  • The one-person couch
  • "Derek's engaged!" *Everybody Claps* (Periodically, for the last two years, somebody has announced I'm engaged at Ward Prayer for no reason, and it became a running joke that never died.)
  • Getting Ready to Say Goodbye


  1. Come over some time, and I might make you some amazing home made food again.

  2. Have you decided where you're moving to yet?

  3. Thanks, Tiffany! That would be awesome! I'd love to hang again and taste some of your delicious food. Where are you living at now?

    And Krysta, I'm going to Glenwood. Seems like a good place, but I guess we'll see! haha

  4. Fun memories! Future could be better at the next place you live... like one of your roommates could introducing you to your future wife LOL :D Thanks for watching Lost with us! Brad is still obsessed with it, thanks to you.

  5. haha thanks, Rachel! You guys are great friends! That would be funny. And watching LOST was always a fun time. haha

  6. Sweet, we'll be at the same complex! I'm not sure yet if I'm moving there sp/su or just staying in Centennial until fall, but either way :) -Krysta
