Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Case for Utah Weather

Okay, so everybody talks about how much they hate Utah weather. But, nobody ever talks about how great it really is.

Here's why it's awesome: it adds something a little more exciting to your life. Think about it for a second: that one moment when you were on that date and things got awkward, your date seemed really shy, and then you asked, "How about this Utah weather? Crazy, huh?" Then, you proceeded to have a good laugh and the awkwardness is suddenly gone. Let's face it, that happens all the time when Utah weather saves us from boring conversations.

Also, two years ago, I woke up one morning around June and was prepared to have a really mundane day, since things hadn't been going so great lately. Then, I realized that it was snowing, and my day was exciting again. It took my mind off the bad things and I thought about how great it was to have snow in late Spring.

Then, there's some Winter days when it's freezing cold, and suddenly you have one day in Utah that's really warm, and for that one day you really enjoy yourself. When it goes back to being cold, people are unhappy about it and talk about how terrible it was for Utah to play with them like that. They don't often talk about how great it was to have that one day, only how the weather shouldn't have changed so suddenly.

I actually really enjoy having a conversation piece once in a while that everybody can relate to. I like those Spring days when you get a short taste of Winter again, and those Winter days when you get a short taste of Summer. I really enjoy not being able to predict what's going to happen from day to day. Having it warm everyday like California would be nice, but I don't think things are so bad how they are. It's actually pretty enjoyable sometimes.

I think Utah's weather patterns are amazing, it just takes some time to notice it.


  1. D-Rock, I agree. I think this was all well spoken. I could definitely picture you getting out of an awkward situation on a date with the weather thing. Anyway, after being gone from Utah for a few years, I've realized just how great it is. If anybody hates the cold of Utah winters, try spending a winter in Milwaukee, where you can't get away with wearing just a sweater to work or school.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Mark! I think it's not quite as some people think, I feel like they're sometimes just looking for things to complain about. Hope you're doing well in Milwaukee! Have a great and happy Easter!
