Monday, April 2, 2012

Guess It's Back to Training

For a while, my brother and I have been talking about running a full marathon, after running a half last year. We had been thinking about doing one this Summer, but I wasn't really so sure and didn't know if I really wanted to train for it.

Well.... after talking to my brother today, it seems our mom signed us both up, and paid the entrance fee already. She was being nice and really wanted to help us. It looks like I will have to to run 26 miles in just over 2 months from today.

Wow. Training to run 26 miles is something I've never fully comprehended before. Guess it's about time to start comprehending it, cuz I'm not getting out! 

So yeah, back to training and running long distances. Might need some new shoes, too.

I'm excited to conquer this challenge.

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