Thursday, January 26, 2012

Here's What's Happening

So, I haven't written here in a long time. Things have been crazy. But, I guess I should give an update..... since I do have a blog.

The past year, I've dated more than I ever had in the past. I met a lot of girls and had some good experiences. There wasn't very often when I didn't have some girl I liked and talked to a lot. So, I've learned a lot that way. There's something about continually dating where you start to learn what's really stupid. Like, if you want to make a girl angry..... do these things. And yeah, I seem to know how to do stupid things pretty well. haha dating a lot was fun, but also really stressing. Maybe more stressing than anything else in school. I won't even hide it, I'm a complete romantic. When there's a girl I like, I do everything I possibly can to make her feel special, like make her breakfast in the morning or just something small like a text before she goes to bed. It's easier to get hurt or taken advantage of when your heart is in it, but also a lot more rewarding. Dating hasn't quite worked out for me quite yet.... but it only works out once, and I'm not married yet. haha

School. Yeah, that's been fun. I was too focused on other things like dating for the past couple semesters that I didn't do so well. Also, I watched too many sports. I enjoy keeping up with sports scores and all that a bit too much. That's not such a great thing if you're not thinking about your grades enough. haha but my grades were terrible last semester. I barely passed 3 out of 4 classes and failed the 4th. I'm trying a lot harder now, that is for sure. I'm starting to learn that I need to focus on what I want in life. I mean, a lot of things have to take a backseat if you want to get somewhere. I can't just go hang out with friends or watch TV like I used to do a lot. That's not gonna get me anywhere. It's okay in moderation, but not to the extent I've done it in the past. I'm gonna start focusing on things that are gonna get me somewhere. Trying to decide if I like the psychology major or not. I really don't know if it's my favorite. Like, I really love to help people, but that's the main reason why I'm doing it, and I don't know if I can keep up that enthusiasm for the rest of my career. Still thinking about that. Anyway, I have to do well this semester or they're not gonna let me stay at BYU anymore. I definitely have some motivation from that.

Still don't have a job. Last semester, I did volunteer for a number of hours at the Utah State Hospital though.  It was required for a class and I was hesitant at first, but it was a really good experience. Most the patients there really appreciated that we were there to help. They're fairly normal people just trying to get over their trials like everybody else. I really wish there was more I could've done to help with that. Still, giving them the time to talk with somebody felt good. This is why I kind of want to be a psychologist: to help people like this to overcome their trials and progress. In any case, I still do need to get a job soon unless I want to pile up so much debt that I can't repay it. Hopefully things work out. I know they will, somehow.

In other news, I've been working out still. It's mainly been strength training. I don't have a lot of time to do it, but I'm slowly getting stronger. Definitely feels good and I kind of enjoy it.

That's about it for news right now. I'll try to update things more often on this blog. Even if nobody reads, it feels good to write for a bit. haha maybe I should just be a journalist. I'll just do that, why not. Okay, I won't. But maybe. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. As for the dating and making girls feel special thing... good for you! It's nice to know there are guys out there who are amazing like that! Keep going, you'll find someone eventually because you are just awesome.
