Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I Am Thankful For

This is a bit cliche, but I feel this post needs to be made, if nothing else than to show a little bit of gratitude on this Thanksgiving day.

I'm thankful for:
  • The chance to be home with family
  • All the friends I have made throughout my life
  • Technology which has helped me to keep in touch with my friends and family
  • A car that works, even if it does have a lousy door
  • A high school education
  • The opportunity to attend BYU
  • Good health
  • The laptop I'm writing this on
  • The blessings I've gained from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the fact I was born into it, and what it's taught me
  • Missionaries who spend a great amount of time serving in the Church.
  • My Savior who is Jesus Christ
  • The Scriptures
  • Parents who worked hard every day of my childhood to keep what what we have
  • My citizenship in the United States of America and for those who defend this great country
  • Each person who has helped me to grow through experiences they've given me
  • My knowledge of music which has given me a great outlet to express myself
  • All of my talents which I've been able to develop
  • A cell phone
  • Relatives who have helped me get through school
  • The miracle of modern medicine
  • Clean water
  • Deciding to make more of an effort to go on dates and get to know more girls starting my Sophomore year, which has helped me to grow immensely
These are just a few things, but I am very grateful for so much I have been blessed with, and hope to touch the lives of many others I meet.

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