Saturday, November 13, 2010

One Week Not On Facebook

I'm trying something through next Friday that may be good for me. I have been trying to stay off Facebook for an entire week. It's already proving really tough. First off, I get bored really easily if I'm just doing one thing, and Facebook has so much going on that it gives me something to occupy myself with while I'm doing other things. Secondly, I like feeling I'm not closed off from the rest of the world, which feels less so while online. And, thirdly, partly why I started getting on Facebook so much is because there is a girl I would talk to a while back when she got on. I'd get on sometimes just because I thought she may get on and chat for a while. Since then, it feels like the only way I can be close to her is if I am on Facebook, which is kind of sad but I recognize that this is part of the reason I'm on so much. I guess I have been lonely ever since I realized what it's like to have a girl to talk to and do things with and then faced rejection, and it eases some of the loneliness to have others around, and maybe even see her on there once in a while.

I can't imagine any of this is all that good for me. Living in that reality makes one become more dependent on being on an internet site instead of actually being social and talking to others. This seems like it could really screw people up.

As a result of all these factors, I think I have actually become addicted to Facebook. I know I am probably not the only one, but that doesn't really make it any better. I am having a hard time not getting on there and I would like to be at a point where it is not so difficult to avoid it. I may have some frustration staying off the site. However, this week should help me to realize I can live without it, if nothing else.

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