Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wisdom Teeth

Yesterday, I had my Wisdom Teeth taken out. This has been quite an interesting experience, especially what happened right after. When I got out of surgery, I was almost completely out of it. On the way home, I started doing the Macarena in the car and told my Mom how much I loved and appreciated her. Haha. I probably don't do that enough, so that wasn't too bad. Then, in what might have been a mistake, I got out my phone and texted several friends some awkward messages, including one expressing my regret that I wasn't a good enough friend, another saying how happy I was for one of my friend's achievements, and then one more telling a girl how grateful I was we're friends and saying she was one of the most awesome girls I know.

So, yeah, maybe my judgment wasn't all there, but it did make me think about why it took narcotics and loopiness to make me say what was on my mind to these people. I know maybe some of it was really weird, but everything I said was the truth, and I don't really even regret saying it. Sometimes, it takes a judgment lapse to do what we really want, and it should be easier.

Anyway, my cheeks are so puffed up right now, and I look ridiculous. It also kind of hurts. I'm looking forward to feeling better soon.

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