Saturday, February 16, 2013

February Update

So, here's what's happening right now:

I have two semesters left before I can finally graduate from BYU. Just two, assuming that I pass all my classes this semester and then find an internship which takes enough credit hours in the Summer. If all goes right, I will graduate in August. That is not very far away, but it feels like a long journey right now with everything I have ahead of me.

I've been having a difficult time staying concentrated. So many things seem intent on distracting me and trying to get me down. I don't know how to deal with everything, sometimes it's harder than most people would think to manage stress. I'm trying not to look at the future, to just look at the now and focus on getting through today. But, that mindset can only go so far when you have to account for living beyond graduation and paying off loans, etc. The future seems so daunting. I want it to turn out well, but sometimes it all just feels out of control. This semester is more difficult than I thought it would be. I tried just filling out my schedule with easier classes.... but it turns out most of those classes are actually pretty hard. haha that seems to happen a lot. I think I can pass them all, just need to work at it.

I have a job, though I will have to find a new one once I'm done at BYU. I work at the BYU Bindery. Basically, I coil, bind and box a lot of books that go to the bookstore of other Church locations. It sounds like monotonous work, but it's really not so bad. I get to listen to the radio or music, or whatever else I can put on my ipod while I'm working. It doesn't require too much thinking, and I've gotten relatively good at what I do. I've also made friends there and it's been one of the few places where I have people to talk with for a while, which is nice.

Dating: I've been on some dates this semester. Can't say there's been any bad ones, they've all been really good. I don't really know what else to say about it. haha I don't want to specifically mention anything I want or anybody I've been thinking about lately. that seems like bad blogging.

A lot of my friends have been having difficulty lately with various things. I've been trying to help them all solve their problems. I really wish there was a better way I could help everybody. I see so many people having trouble and going through hard things, I want to give them some hope or inspiration somehow. I feel like that might be one of my purposes in life is to be somebody who's there for other people when they need it. I'm working on a short story which might help inspire some people and give a better perspective on life. It will likely be on this blog when I'm finished writing it. It's not really that short I guess, but I feel like it will be a worthwhile read.

Anyway, that's about all I got as far as updates for now. I could probably post a lot more, but I'd rather post about other stuff on here than my own autobiography. So, I will probably put out more stuff in the future. Just thoughts I have, I want to make this blog worth reading eventually.



  1. Wow! Can't believe you're almost done with school! That's exciting Derek! And I'm sure that things will work out. I was just looking at some of my comment post and one time you told me to remember the eternal perspective. You'll be fine. You are in the Lord's hands. I know. And you know it.
    By the way, I saw you the other day in the testing center taking a test! Wanted to say hi as I walked by proctoring, but you seemed pretty engrossed with your test.

    1. Thanks, Kristi! Sorry I didn't see your comment here five months ago, I haven't been able to keep up with this blog as well lately as I have at some other times. haha but, you'll have to walk up and say hi if you see me again, don't be too shy! Hopefully you're doing well in the time you've been back. :)

  2. i like reading your blog!
    and, ooh- short story. looking forward to it :)
