Saturday, October 1, 2011

To Learn and To Grow

Life is interesting. You never know what’s going to happen. One moment, you’re completely sick of being exhausted all the time from everything that you have to do. Then, you kind of want to be exhausted so you can spend more time talking all night with somebody you meet out of the blue. I’ve learned my life will always have difficulties. I don’t mind that. It’s not something I can prevent or should try to stop. Who I make myself out to be and what kind of a person I am is what I can control and what I will try to control. I can influence who I help, what I learn, if I decide to write a new song or get in shape, or if I make new friends. It’s good to have somebody along for the ride, but it may not work that way when you want it to. I’m just glad I’m blessed with the wonderful life I’ve been given to make the most out of my opportunities and grow from them. Life really is as good as you make it.

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