Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cheesy Basketball Metaphor

So, I was thinking a little bit about basketball and kind of had another thought pop up. When I'm bored, I'll sometimes go and shoot hoops for a bit. It can helps me relax when I have a lot on my mind. After shooting for a while, I might actually start making shots. Yeah, I actually do get the ball in the hoop sometimes. Making several shots in a row, I'll get really confident and think I can hit just about everything. That's usually about when I miss and start not being able to hit anything. You see this a lot in pro basketball, when a shooter gets confident and makes a lot of shots, the ball suddenly turns into a brick and they can't make a shot?

I think that applies to a lot more than basketball. Sometimes, life starts going well and everything is going how we want it to. We get confident, and we try to do more, often while trying less... and then choke. Things start going awry and we wonder what made it do so. Maybe we let ourselves get just too proud, and it really does give us problems. The scriptures are filled with examples of pride causing the downfall of great men and women. So, I'd just like to say that maybe we should be try to be humble and we'll do better.

Hopefully that fills everybody's cheesy basketball metaphor quota for today.

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