Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Confronting the Past and Moving On

Today, I went to my last class and saw somebody in it who I'd been almost trying to avoid for a while. This girl and I were kind of close to dating a while back, and then it was tough when it ended. So, things have been kind of awkward ever since then, and I haven't been able to see her anymore without feeling sad. I'd kind of moved on, and now it's bringing back old memories and feelings I was trying to forget. However, I'm starting to think this is a good thing. Sometimes, you're going to be put in situations where you have to confront your past. I think that only by confronting your past can you better control your future. Without completely addressing things you only suppressed, they'll only continue to come up and bother you. So, it looks like I'll to have to do that somehow. I believe everything happens for a reason, including ending up in the same class as this girl. So, I'm going to embrace the situation and hopefully become a stronger person through it.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Night Before School Starts

Tomorrow comes the start of another semester at BYU. As far as where I'm at, I guess I'm on Academic Warning in school for failing a class during the Summer. That was really bad. I can't believe that really happened, but I guess I'll just have to try harder this semester. That's not asking too much, and I think I can do well this time if I put more work into everything. So, I'll probably be really busy starting tomorrow and might not have a whole lot of time to do much outside of school for a while.

Aside from that, I'm getting a little worn out in the dating department. It seems like just about the same thing happens every time I meet somebody who feels like she might be right for me, which is that she seems to get bored and find somebody else. And it also feels like I'm usually shafted and left for the same type of guy. Not sure what to do about that, and I don't know how well I can keep going on with the dating game at the moment. However, I'm sure it will turn out well soon enough. So, I will keep trying and just have faith that I'll meet the right person at the right time. I'm a little scared to continue, honestly. Guess that's natural.

Got to go and run a half marathon a couple weeks ago. It was actually longer than I thought it would be. I'd only ran about 8.5 miles before that run, so it was nearly 5 miles longer than anything I'd done before. Just glad I finished it. The run was at night during a full moon and supposedly also during a meteor shower, which I didn't see. Still, it may have been the prettiest run I've ever been on.

Also, my longtime buddy from Colorado, Steven Allred, randomly moved into an apartment below mine last week, and it's kind of cool having a good friend in the ward.

I think I'm gonna have a really good year. Things seem to be looking up. And maybe I'll finally have some better luck with dating, especially inside the ward. Who knows? Only about a year and a half left until I graduate. Here's to making it the best 18 months of my life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fourth Post of the Day

I guess I win. ;)

Had This Song Stuck in My Head Lately

Everything I'm Looking For

There's this girl I met recently, and I guess she's kind of just about everything I'm looking for in a girl. I've found that I really like her, and I just hope things work out well this time. I'm not about to let fear of another heartbreak stop me from doing anything. So, I think I'm gonna do what I can to sweep her off her feet. That's about what I can do, and we'll see how it goes.

Cheesy Basketball Metaphor

So, I was thinking a little bit about basketball and kind of had another thought pop up. When I'm bored, I'll sometimes go and shoot hoops for a bit. It can helps me relax when I have a lot on my mind. After shooting for a while, I might actually start making shots. Yeah, I actually do get the ball in the hoop sometimes. Making several shots in a row, I'll get really confident and think I can hit just about everything. That's usually about when I miss and start not being able to hit anything. You see this a lot in pro basketball, when a shooter gets confident and makes a lot of shots, the ball suddenly turns into a brick and they can't make a shot?

I think that applies to a lot more than basketball. Sometimes, life starts going well and everything is going how we want it to. We get confident, and we try to do more, often while trying less... and then choke. Things start going awry and we wonder what made it do so. Maybe we let ourselves get just too proud, and it really does give us problems. The scriptures are filled with examples of pride causing the downfall of great men and women. So, I'd just like to say that maybe we should be try to be humble and we'll do better.

Hopefully that fills everybody's cheesy basketball metaphor quota for today.