Friday, May 6, 2011


Sometimes, you try something several times, and it doesn't seem to work so well. You're not sure if it's because you're not committed, not trying hard enough, or if it just isn't something that's going to happen. Well, despite this, you still want to try again. And so do I.

Getting physically stronger. I've tried this several times. Not gonna lie, I'm not sure if I really want to get stronger or if I just want to look better for the purpose of making myself more attractive to girls. However, I've never ended up getting as good results as I'd like. Then, of course, I become disinterested and stop trying quite so much. Who wants to keep trying something when it doesn't seem to work or is just taking too long? In the past, it hasn't been me.

The last few days, I've began going back to the gym and lift. It hurts. I'm sore right now, and probably will continue to be sore for a little while longer. Just like most other things in life, I need to keep going if I want results.

Sometimes, people give up too easily on what they want. They have a dream, but don't think they can realize it. There's obstacles that crop up, and they give up. Why? Sometimes, something prevents it and there really is nothing they can do. Usually, though, it's just because they meet opposition and just don't care enough to overcome it. I don't want to be one of these people.

Right now, I really want to get stronger. That is what I'm going to do.

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