Friday, March 25, 2011


You know how there's some people who use certain words or phrases over and over? I had a friend in one of my classes who decided to count all the times one of the guys in the class said "like" while making a comment. I think it may have been over 10. I think there's a lot of people who do this.

Now, if you happen to be a person who doesn't mind watching R-rated movies, you'll often see a trend very similar. Just about every minute contains an F-bomb. If you think about how many times it's thrown out there for no particular reason, you may just start to realize how unwatchable it really is.

I'm not usually all that keen on watching these types of movies, but I will often overhear them, and it's really annoying. I honestly don't know how people could enjoy watching a movie which repeats one word so often. Why is this particular word okay to say repeatedly while any other word said with the same frequency would be ridiculous?

It's honestly not much different than teenagers who repeat the word "like" in nearly every sentence. People get to the point where they don't even realize one word is being repeated over and over. They don't care.

That's not me. I don't understand the appeal of swearing so often, and I don't think we have to watch this junk that Hollywood keeps pouring out. It's not good. Then again, people can and usually will do whatever they want.

Let's at least try and be a bit smarter with what we watch.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Problem With Procrastination

Anybody who knows me will know that there is at least one thing I am terrible at: getting my work done earlier rather than later. Even right now, I'm stalling writing an essay and doing reading to write a blog post. You know it's bad when you're procrastinating to blog about your problem with procrastination. So, what do I do in these countless hours I spend avoiding obligations? Glad you asked. My 4 biggest most unimportant priorities include:

Facebook I don't even know why I get on that much anymore. My motivation to spend hours checking it should be all but gone. It's pretty much just become a habit now. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with the problem, though. The site has pretty much become a national pandemic.

Sports I have an unhealthy addiction to following sports. I don't even really care what sport it is. If there's a team I like that's playing, I can tune out of obligations for hours at a time to watch. And it's not even limited to the TV, either! I constantly check news to make sure my teams are doing well and to read about what journalists are saying about them. Yeah, it's ridiculous. I not only watch and have my opinions about teams, but I spend a lot of time reading about what other people think! Sometimes, I wonder why we pay people to write about their opinions. It'd be nice to get paid for writing all this. Anybody want to sponsor me? No? Okay, whatever...

Music I enjoy music. I've enjoyed it for a long time, and I've played the trumpet for while. Yeah, it can be kind of boring to some people, but I like it.

Youtube Here's a great time waster! Anybody that has been there knows exactly what I'm talking about.

So, now that I've succeeded in wasting a lot more time...I'm done posting. See ya later!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Seemingly Neverending Quest to Graduate

Today, I read through one of my friends' blogs, and remembered she will be graduating from school at the end of next year. She has a little over a year left, and then will be graduating. This was just a little depressing for me. I'm happy for her that she'll be graduating. It really is a great thing! However, she started school a year later than I did...and I'm not even close.

I really shouldn't have let this happen. When I started school, I thought it would only take about four years and then I'd be done. Then, I became a bit complacent, lost focus, even failed classes, and now I don't even know if I'll be done within the next three years. I am still a Sophomore in terms of credits, and I'm at the end of my third year at BYU. Then, there's Graduate School I will need to do right after if I'm to become a Counseling Psychologist like I am planning to be right now. So, it's likely I'll be in school still in five years.

How do you keep being enthusiastic about school when you're so far in...yet feel so far away from finishing?

It's similar to when you're running and there's a lot of people faster than you are. After 15 minutes, you look up in the distance and see the finish line, where people are already starting to cross it and celebrate. You get a feeling of happiness for a few seconds, almost celebrating yourself, only to remember you have a long way to go. It becomes much more of a struggle, because some of the people you began the race with are already finished. If you could have just gone faster, maybe you would be there right now. But, you're not...

Back to school, I really don't know how I will keep running or where to draw strength from. I always do and will manage. Still, it feels like I'm going so slow that a new race started while I was still running, and people are already close to finishing that one, as well.

It's so frustrating being at the point where I've fallen behind many of my friends. I don't want to see people graduate before me who I was a Freshman with, or who are younger than I am. That's so tough to watch.

At this point, it's good to remember that we never end up where we are without a reason. The Lord always has a plan for you and, as long as you keep doing what you're supposed to do, you'll end up right where you're supposed to be. I really believe that's true. So, for right now, I'll just renew my focus, continue running, while keeping a picture of the finish line fresh in my head. I'll be there soon enough, and not a moment too late.