I'm thankful for:
- The chance to be home with family
- All the friends I have made throughout my life
- Technology which has helped me to keep in touch with my friends and family
- A car that works, even if it does have a lousy door
- A high school education
- The opportunity to attend BYU
- Good health
- The laptop I'm writing this on
- The blessings I've gained from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the fact I was born into it, and what it's taught me
- Missionaries who spend a great amount of time serving in the Church.
- My Savior who is Jesus Christ
- The Scriptures
- Parents who worked hard every day of my childhood to keep what what we have
- My citizenship in the United States of America and for those who defend this great country
- Each person who has helped me to grow through experiences they've given me
- My knowledge of music which has given me a great outlet to express myself
- All of my talents which I've been able to develop
- A cell phone
- Relatives who have helped me get through school
- The miracle of modern medicine
- Clean water
- Deciding to make more of an effort to go on dates and get to know more girls starting my Sophomore year, which has helped me to grow immensely