Saturday, July 27, 2013


Sometimes, life isn't perfect.

I know that's hard to believe. I know you probably don't want to believe something might not turn out perfectly. But, there is always that chance. So, you have a choice: you can either try to make those things turn out well and risk failing.... like that job you take where you're fired midway through your third week because you just weren't qualified.... Or, you can skip trying and do something easier (though less rewarding) which will definitely work out.... but you'd lose out on three weeks of experience and good pay from some pretty high-end employment.

Which are you going to choose?

I can tell you right now, you might not end up happy either way. You're either getting fired from your job to gain experience or you're getting a job that's going to work out and isn't too hard but is less fulfilling. 

Let's ask the more important question: which of these options is better for you to take?

I only ask this because almost every person reading this blog is going to assume my post will agree with the cliche, and that I'd say pick the first one because it's worth trying for and it's better to have at least tried.

However, I'm just not sure that's true. 

The entire point I really want to convey to anybody who reads this is that neither of those choices is actually better. It doesn't matter whether you're ultimately getting more experience for a higher paying job or if you're in a low-paying job that gets you can keep the rest of the life. It's possible neither of them will make you happy. But, you also have to realize it's entirely possible that you could be happy in both of them. It's possible to be happy working in fast food and flipping burgers for some people. You can find satisfaction in that. It's also possible to be happy working a different job every two weeks where each one gives you a little bit more experience than the last and maybe you end up with something great down the line.

My point is for people to slow down a little bit and ask what would make them the happiest. Not what other people think would make them happy or what society says makes you happy. Society says you have to go for the higher-end paying job because it's good to ascend up the career ladder even if you hate it. I would say that you can keep the lower-end job if you want and it will make you neither less of a person nor less accomplished. What if you like flipping burgers? Then.... go flip some burgers! Don't over-think your own happiness chasing an eventual prize which may or may not be there. But, if that prize is really going to be what makes you content, then go chase it and don't stop until you've caught it, or gotten as close as you could.

If you want to find happiness, you have to ask yourself what you really want. It's different for every person. Don't let somebody else tell you differently. Don't let yourself tell you differently. Find out what's the best for you. If you're in a bad situation or doing something you don't like, you have a choice to either find happiness in your current one or find it in a different situation. One might be easier than the other for different people, but it's possible either one is good. 

You have so many choices, so many different ways that could all lead to something. Don't become burdened down by too many choices of what might be great if great is right in front of you.

I'm still trying to figure out how to do all of these things and don't exactly have myself figured out quite yet. This is something I'm really trying to come to grips with as I look for a job in the world after college. Hopefully the thought helps somebody who's struggling to find the right direction. And hopefully I can find the right path along with everybody else. I'm sure we'll all end up in one place, regardless. Let's make it a place we're glad to be in.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing :) It helps me remember that I'm on the right track for me :).
