Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hand on the Stomach

So, I have some interesting habits apparently.

Today, when my roommate made shakes, he told me I had a habit of putting my hand on my stomach every time I'm hungry or thirsty, or just want something to eat or drink. Like, I wanted a shake, so I put my hand on my stomach when I walked over to get one. When I want oatmeal or apple juice, I'll put my hand on my stomach when I talk about it or go to the pantry to get some.

Somebody a while ago also told me about a habit where I smack my lips a couple times after taking a sip from a drink. And then I started taking sips from the drink and trying not to smack my lips, and had such a hard time not doing it! Haha and a couple years ago, another person told me I put a hand over my right eye and shake my head every time I get frustrated over a game I'm playing with somebody or something else that happens. I can't believe I do these small things without even noticing. It's really weird, and I just keep doing it.

I would guess, if anybody observed themselves for a while, they'd find they have some interesting habits, too. There's also some that are not so good. For instance, when I get extremely stressed out, I'll start talking a lot, sometimes just talking in circles, and over-thinking everything. Somebody told me that the other day and said it probably wasn't such a good thing, and I agree. There's always things we need to work on, and that's just one of mine. I'm always searching for ways to get better, so I'm glad I realized that so I can try and do better.

Anyway, I still have dreams about Disneyland. I even had one last night. Pretty crazy. My family will probably be going there this Summer, and I might go with them. It would definitely be cool to finally get there again, and maybe there's some reason for me to go which is why I've been having all these dreams. We'll see if I can or not, but I kind of hope I can after having these dreams for so long! haha

I found out the other day that I have only 20 credits left after this semester until I graduate. So, I'm going to have to figure out what to do when I'm done with school. I couldn't believe I have so little time left! I thought I'd be going for another year, and it looks like I'll probably be done by this coming December. Wow. So yeah, I guess that's good. I'll be done with this stage of my life and on to something else. Actually a little bit sad that I'll be done. I'll definitely miss being at BYU with so many people my age, but every stage of life has good things, and I'm sure there's a lot of good left to come!

I'll be moving to Glenwood in the Fall, away from Centennial for the first time in nearly three years. I'll be there probably without any people I know, so it'll be a fresh start.

That's all, for now! Good luck to everybody out there, and hope you all have a great week!

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