Sunday, January 16, 2011

What I'm Not Able to Say

So, I've had a lot of scattered thoughts on my mind lately, most directed at different people. One of my friends had a post similar to this, and I figured it may be a good way to get get things out. It probably will be apparent how many girl problems I've had, but oh well. Haha. Here's a few things I've wanted to say:
  • I don't know what to do. I'm sorry I don't really talk to you anymore, but there just wasn't really anything there, and I feel bad that I could hurt somebody. Hopefully someday you can forgive me.
  • I'm sorry I didn't remember you're allergic to fruit when I made you that blackberry pie. You shouldn't have felt guilty to eat it. I went to see you at Acoustic Explosion the other night and you sounded great. I wish people would have shut up while you were performing. A lot of the pain was brought back when I saw you again, though. I miss you and wish you would talk to me again like we used to every day. It makes me feel sad when I think of the memories and wonder what could have been. When I saw you in the hall the other day, I wanted to say something, but didn't because I knew it would make you feel uncomfortable. I was actually singing one of your songs to myself right then, which is kind of ironic. Sometimes, when I get a text, I'll have a dim hope it might be you. And, when I went on a walk last night, I had a thought that maybe I'd run into you on the same streets we'd went for a walk on before. It's sometimes frustrating that I still haven't gotten over you. I still hope that we can be friends again someday, but it's probably in vain. As one of my friends put it, "it doesn't work that way." I hoped she was wrong, but maybe not. After all the time that's past, I still can't bring myself to say goodbye.
  • I've kind of wondered before if things what would happen if you and I dated. We've known each other for a while and it's really interesting to think about. It's kind of a weird thought. haha
  • Thanks for the date. It's been nice having somebody to talk to.
  • I kind of like you and hope maybe you'll give me a chance. You're kind of confusing me, though, and I'm not quite sure what you think about me. When are we going to hang out again?
  • I found out that you were never serious. Why would you do that to me? It makes me a bit angry thinking about it.
  • I liked you for several years and never told you. It would have been kind of hard with all the people who were into you and the fact that among those people was one of my best friends made it a bit harder. I'm kind of glad I never decided to tell you, though, since we can still talk to each other and are friends, while complicating things a bit often seems to ruin friendships.
That feels a little bit better.

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