Saturday, June 26, 2010

No Easy Solutions

I don't remember if I mentioned this or not in an earlier post, but I have been trying to find a job this Summer to earn some money. As of this moment in time, I still do not have one. Recently, there was an opening that seemed like it might work out, but they still have not called me back for an interview. I'm reaching the end of my money supply, so it is about time for me to turn up the level of urgency and find something. I've tried to avoid fast food jobs thus far, but those are starting to look like good options compared to what I'm doing now.

That brings me to my next issue: boredom. During the Spring, I sat at home a lot and tried to find ways to occupy my time. When I wasn't job searching, there often was not much else for me to do, either. This has given me a lot of time to sit and think about things. That's not something I really want too much of, since it sometimes leads to a mixed emotion of feelings over whether I could have changed things that happened in the past. It makes me feel really unproductive, so I've been trying to find ways to keep busy, whether it be going to the pool, writing or going on campus for a while.

It has occurred to me that I could move back home, which would, at least, save on food and rent expenses. However, I would really like to stay in Provo. I've been able to make friends here, and I don't have many friends still living in Grand Junction, which may cause loneliness if I went back there for the rest of the Summer. There may not be many job openings back there, either, since it's a relatively small town. My best option at finding a job is likely to continue searching where I'm at now.

In other news, I'm kind of in an awkward situation right now. There's somebody who I had been really good friends with for a couple months, but now things have changed a bit and made it weird. For about a month, or maybe longer, we had talked or texted each other everyday and were able to have some fun conversations. However, I'm not sure if this person really wants to talk to me anymore, and it's been the longest interval of time without her talking to or texting me since we met. It's really sad feeling like I'm losing such a good friend and not knowing if there's anything I could or should do about it. Sometimes, complicating things between a friend makes it tough to return things back the way they were if something happens. I don't have too many regrets about it, although one does stand out, and that's how it seems I am losing one of my best friends.

It looks like, if I want to have things work out the best, I will have to put forth some effort. There's no easy solutions to some obstacles. The best way out, however, is usually going through them, which I will work hard to do.

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