Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Said Nothing

This is a poem I wrote during the middle of Winter Semester. I figure I'll put up a few of these types of things, too, since I often express myself better in song lyrics, poems and stories better than I say them. The story behind this one is probably really obvious, so nothing more needs be said.

I said nothing

The lights flashed on, the professor waved us out

I said nothing

The class stood up, the clanking of backpacks and books began, but she stayed sitting

I said nothing

My head buzzed with excuses, what she would think, what she might say

I said nothing

She slowly zipped her jacket, gathered her things, but stayed sitting, as if waiting, but

I said nothing

Words started to form in my mind, it would be this weekend, “Would you like to do something this weekend?”

I said nothing

Don’t do it, maybe next weekend, it is too early, Okay, It needs to be now, ask her out

I said nothing

She stood up, lifted her backpack, put on one strap, then the other, and I tried to form words, and still

I said nothing

She began to walk away and said, “See ya!”

I said goodbye.

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