Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Fresh Start

Tomorrow, school starts up again. I'm glad to have a fresh start to make something of myself and try to get something going. Spring was great since I was able to do a lot of fun stuff with my friends and have a few great experiences. I was able to put into play some ideas that I have always wanted to act on and had somebody to talk with. Then, when that person decided to go in a different direction, I was a bit thrown off since I had liked her more than any girl I'd ever met. It was tough on me with how hard I'd tried to make things go right.

So, for a while, life wasn't so great since I was still thinking about why she had ended things so suddenly. I didn't have a job. I didn't have too many close friends around, since they had left for the Summer. I wasn't myself. All Summer, I seemed to just sit around, get on Facebook and look for jobs which I had almost lost all hope of getting. My finances were not doing so well, either, and I needed to figure things out. It wasn't all bad, though. I went on several dates, all of which I considered great, and had some really good times. Then, I also went stargazing, hiking, out to Seven Peaks with friends... My motivation and morale kept going up. The Summer was topped off with a trip to the Bahamas that helped me to finally relax.

Now, it's the night before school starts again, so people have been coming back to the ward. I've been meeting and gaining more friends, and there's a lot of cool new people I'll probably have a lot of fun with. I also have a job that works well with my schedule, will be able to make some money, and start a schedule of classes tomorrow that will keep me busy. I should be able to meet some cool new people in those classes, and there will probably be some cute girls, as well. This semester, I think I'll be able to get back on track and be productive. I'm lucky to be blessed with much of what I'll need to be successful. The future is laden with opportunity.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Said Nothing

This is a poem I wrote during the middle of Winter Semester. I figure I'll put up a few of these types of things, too, since I often express myself better in song lyrics, poems and stories better than I say them. The story behind this one is probably really obvious, so nothing more needs be said.

I said nothing

The lights flashed on, the professor waved us out

I said nothing

The class stood up, the clanking of backpacks and books began, but she stayed sitting

I said nothing

My head buzzed with excuses, what she would think, what she might say

I said nothing

She slowly zipped her jacket, gathered her things, but stayed sitting, as if waiting, but

I said nothing

Words started to form in my mind, it would be this weekend, “Would you like to do something this weekend?”

I said nothing

Don’t do it, maybe next weekend, it is too early, Okay, It needs to be now, ask her out

I said nothing

She stood up, lifted her backpack, put on one strap, then the other, and I tried to form words, and still

I said nothing

She began to walk away and said, “See ya!”

I said goodbye.